It all starts with a dream . . .
In 2006, my ‘Cobra dream’ began with a goal to own and operate a Shelby Cobra. This evolved into a pursuit of a ‘period-correct’ replica, which transitioned into a second, more enhanced replica, and now a GT40 replica, all period-correct. This journey has taught me several new skills and deepened my understanding of Shelby vehicles.
Initially, this website focused on constructing a replica using new components. As my vision expanded, I added various details and vehicles. While each section is distinct, they are all interconnected.
I have a fondness for period-correct vehicles. Our hobby caters to diverse preferences, including modern modifications like large wheels, stereos, elaborate lighting, plush interiors, etc. I respect your work, but it’s important to understand that it’s not my personal preference. Hopefully, this site will help bring you back to the original concept of the Shelby vision.
As I embarked on my first build, I noticed a lack of resources for ground-up builds. At that time, the hobby was mostly based on donor-type builds. Fortunately, the hobby has also evolved to where most replicas now are ‘all new’ parts added to a specific brand chassis and body. The GT40 is a true ground-up build even to the point of substantial engineering is required to complete a replica.
I hope my experiences can assist those building their own dreams.
Deja Vu, all over again !
My first car, HM1078 has moved to a new home and my second car, HM2023 is now out and about. The paint job is a real eye-catcher. Items I’ve learned with the second build have been documented on this site. The site has now been re-visioned and re-arranged to include the GT40 build and details.
Responding to the statement, “these things are never done” – how many have said “If I had it to do over” Well, I did.
I know, one side of the garage is my wife’s, but she allowed me this opportunity to get a shot of the sisters. She’s a great and very understanding partner and right there beside me as we enjoy these vehicles.
Whaaattt? Here we go again . . .
And now, a new adventure as I begin the build of a GT40 MkI.